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0059 - It's been a while...

Having just checked, It has been a little over a year since we last posted a blog post, I hadn't realised that it'd been that long...I'm sure some people think we're gone as we kinda stop posting on the site...

A year ago we were possibly gonna make a dash South and leave the UK, but ended up settling in for the winter, and when the spring came this year, it still felt like winter.

In waiting for better weather we got a late start to the season, and plans of heading back to Ireland were thwarted by crappy weather in the NW and, I confess, we just spent too much time waiting for it to improve It was quite a miserable year, I feel. Some parts of the UK had better conditions than others, we just weren't in those parts!

I eventually got bored with waiting to go North and started meandering down the East Coast of England.

Even going South was annoying, most days ended with too much wind and waves and despite it being 'summer' in the UK, it was, by my standards - barely warm - and with it being the North Sea, the water is always too damn cold, for all intents and purposes that cold water is as good as 'instant death' - both not cool and too cool at the same time.

Once we got a few hundred miles south of the English Border, things were certainly a few degrees warmer, so at least that was nice.

And once we got to the South Coast we just came back up the coast, but that's probably the last time we're doing that kind of return journey. Covering the same ground isn't too just wasn't an impressive season, not for us anyway...

It wasn't all miserable, we had a few nice evenings here and there. I also had a few pleasant surprises in a few marinas, I somehow bumped into a few people I hadn't seen for years, and they weren't where I met them originally but were somehow where I was at that time.

But I feel this is about it for the UK, we've been everywhere here, more than a few times - and with zero reasons to stay, a dispatch from here is inevitable. Leaving is easy, it's coming back where it starts to get complex, but maybe we don't need to come back provided we get somewhere where I can get some work and a place to tie the boat up, we're good.

'Cats on a Yacht' Home Videos

Before we can even consider the future, I need to revisit the past and wrap up our previous chapters before starting a new one.

We've been posting bits and bobs for almost six years, and in that time we've amassed thousands of pictures and hours and hours of footage...and I've never done anything with most of it.

And there isn't much I can do with it. It's all random shots of whatever I thought was interesting - just whatever was happening, usually just cat stuff. Sometimes there were weeks or even months between videos and without narration they don't exactly tell a coherent story.

I plan to leave my current hard drive archives 'off boat' and start a new archive and figured I'd better do something with the footage before I do that - and why not, we have months before we leave here, it'll give me something to do other than work.

After much debate, I arrived upon the decision of just clipping something from each video and putting them together, it was the only way to use a bit of all of them...

Maybe the clips together will tell a story of their own, I dunno, I guess I could easily spend months editing them into some sort of 'pretend exciting life' like the internet seems to like, but the cats and I live quietly. There's no reason to imply, this is the first in a series of badly filmed 'home videos'...

I'll just post the rest on FB/YT - I don't intend to make a blog post for each one, I'll just upload them as and when they get finished...


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